Folding space & particle phixits – Adriano Gemelli

Installation images

Folded space and particle phixits #40 – Adriano Gemelli
Aluminium and mixed media with 2 paintings dissected to fit within each other – 1 vertical & the other upside down
Dimensions – 1610mm x 810mm | Price – $8,000

The act of memory is lacking a replica of time, place, emotion, form, colour. The Realisation of fragmentation and inconclusiveness brings forth creative possibilities that exist to develop works where perception/imagination/memory operate allowing the use of photography and other techniques involving a range of mediums to arrive at fresh memories.

This proposition is enhanced and inspired by combining the postulations of Parmenides paradox, Einstein’s folded space and T.S. Eliot’s poetry (Burnt Norton) to initiate an exhibition titled “Folded space and particle phixits, Part 1 – the landscape”.

Folded space and particle phixits #33 – Adriano Gemelli
Cut and folded poished aluminium, brass, reflective hologram, cut and formed painting, mixed media
Dimensions – 1610mm x 1430mm x 150mm | Price – $8,000
Folded space and particle phixits #59 – “Same as – different time”
Adriano Gemelli
2400mm x 1200mm $5,000

Artist Statement

My last exhibition postulates moments of change “mentally, physically, and environmentally.  Dealing with concepts of time and space, T. S. Eliot in Burnt Norton and the Greek philosopher, Zeno and his paradox between Achilles and the turtle, the series allowed me to explore the concept of divisional infinite moments.

It seemed logical to proceed to this new series –“Folding space and particle phixits” – which calls on the individual to fold the divisional moments to arrive at a past event, to create a new event, which could not occur without the original event i.e. to use one’s imagination to arrive at an event in one’s childhood.  This situation discounts the true time to arrive, however the event/memory is far from complete.  One has arrived at a construct of subconscious fabrication far from the “real” multiplicity of the environment, mentally or physically.  The interesting aspect to me, using this reference allows for a new original event with the infinite possibilities which current series of works have evolved.

The physical and mental perception and philosophical overtones of dimensional change are used to indicate a shift in perception to further infinite possibilities of visual art.  Answers for a moment – a stepping stone of questions to matrices of truth for further creativity.

Adriano Gemelli

“Folded space and particle phixits #44– Adriano Gemelli
Aluminium, and cut painting
Dimensions – 1200mm x 1200mm – $5,000
“Folding space and Particle phixits #63 “In time… Our time… Some time… Adriano Gemelli 2000mm x 2000mm
Folded space and particle phixits #61 – “Autumn in time”
Adriano Gemelli
1500mm x 1200mm $2,000
“Folded space and particle phixits #45– Adriano Gemelli
Reflective hologram, aluminium, gold and cut painting
Dimensions – 1210mm x 1210mm – $8,000
“Folded space and particle phixits #1A– Adriano Gemelli
Aluminium, gold with cut and inlaid painting & mixed media
Dimensions approx – 1200mm x 750mm | Price – SOLD
Folded space and particle phixits #51 – Adriano Gemelli
Fabricated paintings of landscape, gold, graphite and polymer paint on Fabriano paper 400gsm
Dimensions – 700mm x 1000mm | Price – $ 1,600
Folded space and particle phixits #49 – Adriano Gemelli
Aluminium, fabricated paintings & polymer paint & mixed media
Dimensions – 1320mm x 900mm x 120mm | Price – $5,500
“Folded space and particle phixits #57– Adriano Gemelli – 2000mm x 1200mm
Gold with mixed media – Cannot be acquired at this time

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.

T.S. Eliot – Burnt Norton (extract)

Installation images