Loose ends … and beginnings

Adriano Gemelli’s latest exhibition reveals the excitement of an innovative medium, holospectral art, taken to greater heights. The title of the exhibition, Loose ends…Beginnings, reflects the axiom – all things are in dynamic change, which produces the potential of new beginnings from apparent endings.

‘The empty glass is not vacuous, it is a problem of perception & need. Art can be conceived in contradictions. What appears as an end can be perceived as a beginning and vice versa. One merely considers the circle and its point of departure,’ says Gemelli.

This series of works, using mediums of hologram, faux gold, resin, metal leaf and graphite have inherent properties of change, in the hope that it is not as an end for the viewer but a commencement of new discourse. Titles of the paintings, which are connected to haiku poetry, are art works of their own, invoking answers and stimulating our thought responses to the works.

Installation View

‘Can you be what they want…Put a hat on…Who’s you?
Adriano Gemelli – Gold, reflective hologram & mixed media on Fabriano paper –
1025mm x 1380mm

‘Lifeline expensive, worth double, triple … scary’ – Adriano Gemelli
Gold, reflective hologram, money, string & mixed media

‘Liberty at any cost, what cost? … expensive’ – Adriano Gemelli
Reflective hologram & mixed media on paper

‘As far as the eye can see the ears hurt’ – Adriano Gemelli
Gold, reflective hologram & multiple papers on board – 1330mm x 1080mm

‘We forget’ – Adriano Gemelli
Gold, reflective hologram & mixed media on paper